Bunch Riding Skills Masterclass – Special Price – Normally $79.95 – Save 50%

Bunch Riding Skills Masterclass – Special Price – Normally $79.95 – Save 50%

Original price was: $79.95.Current price is: $39.75.

Do you want to improve your riding skills? Everyone knows that riding in a group is more efficient than riding on your own. The benefits of group riding are well-known and numerous, with one being the ability to save around 30% of your energy by doing so. That means for the same or less energy expended, you can be sitting in a bunch that’s riding much faster than if you were trying to ride on your own. So getting yourself in a good working bunch and putting in a little extra energy when going over slight inclines to make sure that you don’t get dropped will give you a dramatic improvement in your overall time for an event. Regardless of whether it’s your local bunch ride, next gran fondo event or racing, this video will teach you how to maximize the efficiency of your rides while staying safe and staying out of trouble. This Bunch Riding Skills Masterclass is a series of videos that will take you through all fifteen essential bunch riding skills. In just two and a half hours of video training content, you’ll be able to quickly get up to speed and give yourself a much better understanding of how a bunch operates. That way, you’ll be able to do the right thing while riding in your local bunch and confidently ride with other riders from all around the world you don’t even know. The training is easy to follow and it’s done in just 2 and a half hours! This Bunch Riding Skills Masterclass is perfect for the rider who wants to quickly learn more about bunch riding skills, or the rider who wants to brush up on their skills before heading out on the road. Whether your goal is to become an expert rider or simply want to ride with confidence, this course can help you achieve your cycling goals.



Bunch Riding Skills Masterclass is a series of videos that will take you through all fifteen essential bunch riding skills. In just two and a half hours of video training content, you’ll be able to quickly get up to speed and give yourself a much better understanding of how a bunch operates. That way, you’ll be able to do the right thing while riding in your local bunch and confidently ride with other riders from all around the world you don’t even know.

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It’s a sobering thought that when you are out riding in a bunch you’re not only in the hands of other riders, but they are also counting on you to do the right thing too. Not only that, if you bring down other riders, but you could also be legally liable for their rehabilitation and the damage caused to their bikes.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of things you need to know to keep yourself safe when riding in bunches. Get it wrong and you can bring down a heap of other riders around you.

These accidents may leave you or the riders around you with serious injuries, that may mean hospitalisation or even death.

We have personally seen the result of many horrific accidents that can be avoided if the riders involved had understood the fundamentals of bunch riding.

These fifteen modules will help you quickly get up to speed and give you a much better understanding of the way that a bunch operates.

That way you’ll be able to do the right thing while riding in your local bunch and you’ll also be able to confidentially ride with other riders from all around the world you don’t even know.

And, you’ll be able to help keep you and your fellow cyclists upright and safe.

Each video module includes the relevant instructions and specific exercises you can do out on the road to help you improve your bunch riding skills and keep it safe.

We are sure that you will get a lot out of this online video masterclass course and be riding in bunches safely, smoother and with more confidence.

Module One – The number one golden rule for riding in bunches safely
Just knowing this one important rule of bunch riding will help keep you and your fellow cyclists upright and safe. This one rule is absolutely and critically important for you to know before you ride in any bunch.

Module Two – Building the confidence to get close to other riders and sit on a wheel
We show the correct two-step process to quickly getting up to speed and building your confidence when you first start riding in bunches.

Module Three – The different roles within bunches
When riding in bunches, you’ll have different roles to play and these roles are dependent on where you position yourself within the bunch. Each of these roles has specific responsibilities that you’ll need to know. Understanding these roles and their respective responsibilities are essential for safe bunch riding.

Module Four – Bunch riding etiquette
It can get pretty heated out on the road when a rider does something wrong in a bunch that endangers the other riders. Building on the roles of the previous module, this module discusses the main rules around bunch riding etiquette. All these unspoken rules are what drives the safety of bunches. This module is one of the longest as there are many things you need to know about what to do and how to act when riding in bunches.

Module Five – The common bunch riding call signs
As part of bunch riding etiquette, there are may “call signs” that riders use to help communicate with each other when riding in a bunch. Understanding the language of these “call signs” is an important part of bunch riding. These “call signs” help keep everyone informed about what’s going on in the bunch and how possible dangers or obstacles are being managed.

Module Six – The common bunch formations and which one to use when
The main reason why cyclists ride in bunches is due to the aerodynamic efficiency of drafting. This module covers the three main bunch formations and lets you know which one is the best one to use under what circumstance to ensure that the bunch is operating at its optimal efficiency.

Module Seven – The correct and safe way to roll turns
One of the three key bunch formations discussed in the previous module is “rolling turns”. This module discusses how to roll turns correctly and covers off the three main things that riders get wrong when rolling turns. Get these three things right, and you’ll be amazed at how fast, safe, and efficiently you can get your bunch riding up at high speeds for hours.

Module Eight – How to sit in and not get dropped from fast-moving bunches
Are you getting dropped out of fast-moving bunches all the time? This module provides you with the tips to get you into the sweet spots in bunches. You’ll be able to surf the bunch with much less effort and keep from getting dropped even if you aren’t a strong rider.

Module Nine – How to ride in bunch safely on windy days
Problems riding in bunches on windy days? Windy days cause chaos with bunches making them unsafe and if you don’t position yourself right, they are much harder to hang on to. This module discusses how to keep it safe while making it much easier for you to ride in bunches on windy days.

Module Ten – Positioning on the road and where to look
Bunch positioning on the road is critical to the bunches survival around busy traffic. And, where you look when riding in a bunch is important too. This module discusses these two key skills in detail to make sure you keep out of trouble.

Module Eleven – The definitive guide to gatekeeping
One of the roles discussed in module three is the “gatekeeper” role. The “gatekeeper” role helps bunches ride safely and efficiency and as a consequence has it’s own unique responsibilities and skills. This role is so important that we have dedicated an entire module on the topic.

Module Twelve – Safe bunch riding on busy roads
You can’t go out bunch riding these days without encountering busy traffic. This module covers off how to interact with busy traffic with minimal impact and less conflict.

Module Thirteen – How to safely negotiate road hazards in a bunch
In module four, we talked about bunch riding etiquette. This module covers off in detail the responsibilities and skills when encountering various road hazards while riding in bunches.

Module Fourteen – How to identify and avoid rogue riders in bunches
One minute you are riding along in a bunch and the next moment you are on the deck after being taken out by rogue rider. This module discusses how to identify these riders and what you can do in a bunch to safely move away from them. That way you’ll be less likely to be unexpectedly be taken out by these riders in the first place.

Module Fifteen – The safest place to ride in a bunch
In this final module, we provide tips to help you position yourself in the safest place within a bunch while either riding socially in an organised bunch or racing in a dynamically moving race bunch. We have these final key points that will help you stay upright in fast-moving bunches and races to help you increase your chances of finishing your ride without crashing.

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