Descending And Cornering Masterclass

Descending And Cornering Masterclass

Original price was: $79.95.Current price is: $39.98.

This video masterclass course covers the nine essential descending and cornering skills in detail. The course is intended for the cyclist who wants to improve their descending and cornering skills so that they can corner and descend more quickly and safely. The videos are intended for cyclists of all levels, from beginners to advanced.

Instant Access: You’ll get instant access you these videos after you have made your purchase.

Compatible: These videos are compatible with all modern computers and mobile devices.

Stream Online or download: You can stream these videos online anytime or download and keep them forever.



Not a week goes by without hearing about a cyclist having an accident while cornering or descending on their bike.

Some of these accidents leave them off the bike for a few days or a few weeks while others end up in hospital with broken bones, punctured lungs and a considerable amount of time off the bike.

Regardless of the seriousness of the accident, I always find that there is a loss of confidence after a cyclist falls.

Whether descending downhill or navigating around a wet corner, there are nine critical descending and cornering skills that you need to know to help you consistently and safely corner with confidence.

Since 2007 we have been teaching these nine skills at our descending and cornering workshop during our cycle training camp in Bright. It’s been an absolute life changer for many of our clients. And, it’s great to see them go from nervous and slow descenders to descending and cornering much better in just a few short hours.

I believe that these skills are so critical for every cyclist to know that we have put together an online training course to teach them. This online descending and cornering masterclass course covers the nine descending and cornering skills in detail.

So, you don’t need to attend our training camp to become a more confident and safer cyclist while cornering and descending. You can now take our online masterclass course and work through the nine modules at your own pace. Each module includes the relevant instructions and specific exercises you can do out on the road to help you improve your cornering and descending.

I’m sure that you will get a lot out of this online masterclass course and be riding faster around corners, descending smoother, and of course, be more confident and riding with greater safety.

This video masterclass course covers the nine essential descending and cornering skills in detail. The course is intended for the cyclist who wants to improve their descending and cornering skills so that they can corner and descend more quickly and safely. The videos are intended for cyclists of all levels, from beginners to advanced.

Instant Access: You’ll get instant access you these videos after you have made your purchase.

Compatible: These videos are compatible with all modern computers and mobile devices.

Stream Online or download: You can stream these videos online anytime or download and keep them forever.

Module One Video – Hand positions, setting up your brakes and centre of gravity
We go back to basics and discuss the hand positions, brake setup and centre of gravity to optimise your descending, cornering and braking.

Module Two Video – The correct way to use your brakes and set your speed
Have you ever overcooked a corner and ended up on the wrong side of the road? In this module, we’ll discuss the major difference between the front and rear brake, and in what circumstances you use each of them. You’ll also learn how to use them to quickly get out of trouble when you are in a corner and overcooked it. And we’ll also discuss how to get your speed set correctly before you enter a corner so that you dramatically reduce the chance of overcooking it and getting yourself into trouble in the first place We’ll also discuss the difference between normal and disk brakes, carbon wheels, heat build-up and other factors that affect braking.

Module Three Video – Weight distribution
Weight distribution is critical to staying stable and safe while cornering at speed. We go into detail on how to get your weight distribution right so that you can corner faster with more safely. Once you get this nailed, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get around corners fast. Your bike will just feel like it’s on rails and tracking smoothly around corners, so cornering at speed become effortless and a lot safer.

Module Four Video – Cornering in the wet
If you use the same skills to get around a corner in the dry while riding on a wet road, you’ll almost always end up having a fall. There are specific cornering techniques that you need to master to corner in the wet safely. In this module, we’ll teach the major differences between cornering in the dry and the wet so that you can ride in wet conditions with absolute confidence and safety.

Module Five Video – Avoiding speed wobbles
Descending at speeds can sometimes invoke a speed wobble. If they become severe, you can be thrown off your bike. This module covers the main reasons why they happen and how to avoid them as well as what to do to instantly stop a speed wobble if one ever happens to you.

Module Six Video – Tyre choice and pressure
Tyre selection is important. Some tyres corner better than others. In this module, we’ll discuss tyre choice and pressure that provides you with the most grip in both wet and dry conditions to ensure you corner safely. While not quite a skill, this knowledge is invaluable in helping you stay upright.

Module Seven Video – How to overcome your fear of descending at speed
If you are a slow descender that gets left behind by your cycling friends whenever you go down hills, then this module is for you. We discuss techniques that will help you quickly build confidence and start descending safely at speed so that you can stay with your friends on descents.

Module Eight Video – Using the road and where to look
In this module, we discuss how to pick a line around a corner to maximise speed and safety. We also discuss the importance of where to look and how different road surfaces affect your cornering speed. And finally, we’ll discuss the cornering risk rating to help you evaluate the conditions and determine the risk.

Module Nine Video – Safely cornering and descending with other riders
In this module, we provide tips to help you keep out of trouble and safely corner and descend with other riders.

Bonus Module Video – Putting it all together
Sometimes learning all these skills at one time becomes a bit daunting. To master all these skills, you need to practice them. In this bonus module, we cover how to work through all these skills, step by step, so you can master them one after the other without being overwhelmed.

Plus these additional bonuses:

Live descending skill video of me showing you what I’m doing while descending down two major hills in Adelaide.
Three videos of me giving our Descending and Cornering class at our training camp in Bright.


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