Start becoming more awesome on hills! Designed for the cyclist that wants to further build on their climbing training. A great progression from Hill Climber II – Part One and is ideal for the cyclist planning that European cycling holiday. The cyclist should already have a solid base and be riding hills in their training prior to starting this program, if not then we recommend Hill Climber I part 1 to start with.
If you're looking for an effective, efficient and safe way to improve your hill-climbing performance, Hill Climber I might just be the programme for you. This cycle training programme is developed specifically with busy cyclists in mind and includes both on-road and indoor training as well as "off the bike" stretching and strength exercises that will help you get faster, stronger and more agile than ever before. By completing this cycle training programme, you'll post more personal bests on your hill climbs!
24 week training program designed for the cyclist that is aiming to complete Fitz Challenge 255km event. You need a solid base with hill climbing prior to commencing this training plan. This event is not easy, but with the right training and progressive build, this plan will help you achieve your goal.
This video masterclass course covers the nine essential descending and cornering skills in detail. The course is intended for the cyclist who wants to improve their descending and cornering skills so that they can corner and descend more quickly and safely. The videos are intended for cyclists of all levels, from beginners to advanced. Instant Access: You'll get instant access you these videos after you have made your purchase. Compatible: These videos are compatible with all modern computers and mobile devices. Stream Online or download: You can stream these videos online anytime or download and keep them forever.
Are you ready to get the most out of your indoor training? Cycling-Inform's Guide to Indoor Cycle Training is an easy-to-follow eBook that takes you through all the steps of setting up your bike for indoor training. This eBook has everything you need to know about training indoors with power and heart rate zones, using training platforms, and more! This eBook will save you time, money, and frustration. It contains proven techniques that have been used by professional cyclists and triathletes for years. Click on the link below to add this to your shopping cart.
Do you want to improve your riding skills? Everyone knows that riding in a group is more efficient than riding on your own. The benefits of group riding are well-known and numerous, with one being the ability to save around 30% of your energy by doing so. That means for the same or less energy expended, you can be sitting in a bunch that's riding much faster than if you were trying to ride on your own. So getting yourself in a good working bunch and putting in a little extra energy when going over slight inclines to make sure that you don't get dropped will give you a dramatic improvement in your overall time for an event. Regardless of whether it's your local bunch ride, next gran fondo event or racing, this video will teach you how to maximize the efficiency of your rides while staying safe and staying out of trouble. This Bunch Riding Skills Masterclass is a series of videos that will take you through all fifteen essential bunch riding skills. In just two and a half hours of video training content, you'll be able to quickly get up to speed and give yourself a much better understanding of how a bunch operates. That way, you'll be able to do the right thing while riding in your local bunch and confidently ride with other riders from all around the world you don't even know. The training is easy to follow and it's done in just 2 and a half hours! This Bunch Riding Skills Masterclass is perfect for the rider who wants to quickly learn more about bunch riding skills, or the rider who wants to brush up on their skills before heading out on the road. Whether your goal is to become an expert rider or simply want to ride with confidence, this course can help you achieve your cycling goals.