Sale!24 week training program designed for the cyclist that is aiming to complete the Peaks Challenge Falls Creek in under 10hrs. You need a solid base with hill climbing prior to commencing this training plan. This event, in this time frame is not easy. But with the right training and progressive build, this plan will help you reach your target.
Are you looking for a new way to train for cycling? This is the ultimate strength training program for cyclists. You'll get more power on the bike so you can ride faster without having to visit a gym or spend thousands of dollars on expensive weight equipment or a personal trainer. This video masterclass will help you make the most of your workouts and get the most out of your cycling. All it takes is just 15 minutes three times a week to build much better core strength so that you can develop much more power on the bike for hill climbing and fast moving bunches. You'll be able to quickly and easily add strength training into your routine without having to figure it out yourself! Purchase this now and get access to the ultimate video masterclass that will teach you how to get stronger, faster, and more powerful on your bike!
Sale!24 week training program designed for the cyclist that is aiming to complete the Peaks Challenge Falls Creek in under 13hrs. You need a solid base with hill climbing prior to commencing this training plan. With the right training and progressive build, this plan will help you reach your target.
Sale!A 12 week training program that builds on Aerobic Base Builder I. Designed for someone who wants to build more base before adding speed or hill training to their program.